Due to hardware and memory limitations, almost all levels in the game suffered from huge cuts with some segments even missing completely (e.g.
The PSP version also removes the Hand of Buddha section in the middle of the level. Also in the Dance Battle part, The arrows are now Left, Right, Up, Down, instead of Left, Down, Up, Right, which can confuse players.
In the level Game Over, you play as Homer and Bart at the beginning, but you play as Bart and Lisa for the rest of the level.
Toned down graphics compared to the HD versions.
Costumes are present but the Simpsons wear them in some of the levels and you cannot change costumes in the closet, also killing the variety.
All power-ups are replaced with shields that can be used for all the Simpsons, which kills the variety.
Controls are confusing in the PSP and Wii versions due to PSP's limited buttons/Wii Motion controls with no standard controls support for Wii.
Even a prototype for The Simpsons Game on the Xbox released in 2004 shows that you can explore around a tiny Springfield. Which makes absolutely no sense, since the PS2 had the power to hold a free roaming Springfield for Hit & Run back in 2003.
Free roaming in Springfield was completely removed which kills the interactivity with the Springfield world.